Social & Political Issues

The Politics of Money - Edo Politics

By Dr Efe Igbinosa

The politics of money as a determinant of who gets elected to public office
has again commenced in full force in Edo State. Four years of Igbinedion's
misrule continues to bedevil Edo

Four more years of non-payment of pensioners' salaries and infrastructure
decay, mismanagement of oil allocation, corruption, sexual immorality and
fraud of the highest scale is not a price worth paying for the relection of
Lucky Igbinedion

Relecting Igbinedion does not bode well for a State that is blessed with
intellectuals, mineral and human resources. The current situation of things
in the state if left uncorrected, Edo State would very soon grind to a
complete halt.

The Edo State governor, Chief Lucky Igbinedion, attended a London party at a
when the state was begging for attention, is not only a sign of ignorance,
but recklessness of the highest order

By electing to attend such an orgy Igbinedion not only has demonstrated a
lack of will to move the state forward, but has clearly demonstrated that he
is ready to run Edo State like
A personal estate not minding the effect on peoples lives

This is the same governor who prematurely sacked thousands of workers in the
state on the pretext of creating employment opportunities for the youths,
turned around overnight and treatthetaxpayers'moneywithsuchlevelof disdain."

Igbinedion's financial recklessness is historical and unprecedented in the
history of Bendel or Edo State governance. To date he is yet to account for
over N400 million wasted on Ikpoba River dredging contract, neither has he
accounted for the proceeds from his rice sales

On good account that Igbinedion parted with some N32 million for a
customised jeep. It therefore comes as a little surprise if he acquires a
property abroad for about three million pound sterling. When calculated in
local currency it is enough to pay the long-suffering pensioners.

The Edoline financial fiasco is very worrying. Edoline remits N10 million to
Igbinedion on a monthly basis since June 1999. By our calculations, he
received over N350 million. Initially, he claimed it was for road
maintenance. We know the state of the roads in Edo state

The Bendel Brewery saga has netted Lucky Igbinedion over N200 million; He
initially tried to put the blame on his predecessor. Events have shown that
he struck a personal deal with Churchgate in return for his percentage.

Edo State cannot make meaningful social, political and economic progress
unless the military style of government adopted by Igbinedion is changed. It
is Abachaism all over again. We should not go back to that inglorious era.
The people of Edo are disappointed that we can still descend to that kind of
It is wrong, Igbinedion should not take the Sani Abacha road

Educational Qualification Scandal

As recorded in the US State Department briefings
EDO STATE: Governor Lucky N. IGBINEDION (EE-GBEE-NEE-DEE-ON), elected on the
platform of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Born May 13, 1957 in Oredo,
trained at Crookham Court, England, 1972-74; the Mill School, England,
1976-78; Stevenson College, Scotland, 1976-78; University of Wyoming,
1978-82 and Jackson State University, 1982-84, U.S.A. He was Operational
Director, Okada Airline from 1984-87; Chairman, Oredo Local Government
Council, 1987-89;

What happened to Edo College from 1970 to1972? What also happened between?
1982 - 1984? Could not have been in University studying when he was an
Employee of his father's company in 1981.

Governor Igbinedion fraudulently misrepresented his educational
The dates to which his claim to have attended schools both in the UK and USA
Non existent.

Gov. Lucky Igbinedion claims to have attended several institutions in the
UK. The dates do not add up, but most importantly he has no certificate to
show. From our investigations, these institutions have no record of him
having attended or graduated.

Listed below are the schools, colleges, and Universities, he claimed to have

1) The enrolled at Edo college in 1970, failed in first year and was
withdrawn by his father and taken to England.

2) He states in who is who (incidentally, also cited in the US State
Department's record) that he attended Crookham Court school in England from
1972 - 1974. From the dates above there is one-year discrepancy. 1971 - 1972
is not accounted for.

3) He claims to have attended the Mill School in England from 1974 - 1976.

4) From 1976 - 1978 he claimed to have attended Stevenson College in
Scotland. They have no record of him

5) Jackson State University from 1978- 1982, University of Wyoming from

To verify his claims, please contact the institutions, listed below:

There is no institution as the Mill School in England. However, there is
Blatchington Mill School in Hove Sussex for Sixth form. From the date stated
for attendance, Gov. Igbinedion could not possibly have attended, as he
either did not have the necessary qualifications to do A/Levels or attend it
as an O/L student again the date do not add up

Stevenson College Scotland
Bankhead Avenue
Midlothian EH11 4DE
Tel: +44 131 535 -4700
Fax: +44 131 535 4708

Jackson State University
1400 John R Lynch street
Administrative Tower
Mississippi 39217- 0280
Telephone (601) 968 2121

These dates do not add up, He was back in Nigeria by 1981, when one Billy
Sakandi in Benin City famously duped him in a money-doubling scam.
Incidentally, his accomplice accused him of stealing from his father's
company. He was charged to court in Jos. for theft after being implicated.
Chief Gabriel Igbinedion intervened and had the charges dropped.

He has deliberately left a two-year gap at every institution, which he
claimed to have attended. In short he may have attended, but one thing is
clear, he failed at these institutions and has no certificate to show

The claim of Youth service performance examined
First there is no proof, secondly, if he actually did, he committed fraud,
because he has no University degree to have qualified him to serve, when he
served as Oredo Chairman.

I am curious why a man with a university degree would present a primary six
certificate to INEC

Conclusion: Lucky Igbinedion's only educational qualification is primary
six-school certificate. Gov. Igbinedion can close this matter, by showing
his qualifications. The Police should prosecute him for Fraud.

Igbinedion and Bob Izua connection
Edo State is also lucky because as Bob-Izua would say, "all the tins wey dey
the state, na hin (Igbins) get an". But the most significant luck that Edo
State can boast of is the fact that majority of her citizens are very
conscious of their work-a-day-world".

Bob Izua alias ("Bomboy") a local thug made good under Gov. Igbinedion makes
an average of N1.7million on a daily basis from ring road in Benin City. The
proceeds from his extortion of illegal payment from bus drivers are shared
with the Governor and his cronies.

I quote from an article written about Lucky Edo,
"Edo State is perhaps one of the most lucky states in Nigeria. The state is
lucky because as Nigeria is "enjoying democracy", it is expected that there
would be no room for misrule.

At least under a democratic setting the blame of misrule (continued) is more
of the blame of the ruled, than the blame of the ruler(s).

Unfortunately, this state that had an effective water board before Chief
Igbins took over the state now practically does to get water.

It is common knowledge that the bore hole 'operators' bribes the water board
officials to ensure that there is constant artificial scarcity of water.

It is needless to ask why they would do such a thing. Simple, it is the only
way they can be guaranteed constant patronage from Edolites. If you are not
convinced, just take a walk along Second East Circular Road, between 6am &
8am any day (including Sundays), I am sure you will change your mind".

"So, when Davidson Iriekpen expressed his countless disappointments in his
article entitled: "Igbinedion and the Lull in Governance", I felt nothing
but sympathy for a lucky Edolite who could mobilise his people to vote
en-masse for Chief Igbins because he believed Chief Igbins could give them
paradise in Edo State.

But since Chief Igbins could not deliver, what stops him from mobilising the
same people to rise en-masse in protest against anti-masses scarcity
(artificial) of basic amenities like water".

How can Igbinedion explain the role of the late convicted-armed robber
turned government adviser on Security in Edo State in the assassination of
innocent people in the name of vigilante activity?
Conclusion: Proof beyond reasonable doubt that his liaison with a known thug
has brought political office into disrepute. They both masterminded the
invasion of the State House of Assembly. He also led this thug to insult Dr
Ogbemudia in a forum held at Ogbemudia's house

Igbinedion & George Idah's Assassination
In the history of Edo State, the most celebrated political murder until now
has been the brutal assassination of George Idah, a former Oredo local
government chairman's. This was precisely in 1992 and the incumbent ruler of
Edo State is alleged to be involved in the matter. This is reinforced again
as the street named after the deceased is now re-named Okada street.

Unknown assailants felled the politician on February 22, 1992, exactly ten
years ago, but an important street in the highbrow part of the city's G.R.A
was named after him subsequently as George Idah Avenue

However, the street which has on it the palatial residence of the Esama of
Benin and father of the Edo State governor, Chief Gabriel Osawaru
Igbinedion, that of ex-governor, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun, and Edo Hotel,
was changed from George Idah Avenue to Okada Avenue. Okada is the name of
the hometown of the state governor.

The people of Edo State, since the inauguration of the present government of
Chief Lucky Igbinedion have been the butt of his government's repressive
policies. The deconstruction of scholarship typified by the ten-month
closure of Ambrose Alli University.

A spotlight of the Igbinedion administration's murderous business
institutionalised by its formation of the so-called Edo State Vigilante
Services, a bandit gang nurtured for Igbinedion's r-election agenda and "Who
are to be vested with the power to patrol at any time, day and night;
arrest, search and so on". The State House of Assembly will live to regret
it should they through executive pressure and intimidation be cowed to pass
the bill: Edo State Vigilante Services into law.

And in what is becoming a pattern, Mr. Joseph Osayande (alias Big Joe) a
flourishing transporter in Benin was again brutally murdered last year in a
mob power play, which has a political underpinning. While early this year,
one Mr. Samson Obaseki, the so-called chairman of Edo State Vigilante
Service killed Mr. Nosa Emmanuel, the secretary of Oliha Community Youth
Association at Oliha Quarters in Benin. Attempt to prosecute the man who
claimed he was doing the job assigned to him by Igbinedion has so far
deadlocked through the intervention of the executive which has entered into
a nolli prosequi on the matter. This was after an initial bail secured
through Justice Edokpayi of High Court 2, Benin. Early in the course of
Igbinedion's administration, its effort to stop the annual festival of the
Ijaws in Edo, remains a clear violation of their cultural and social rights.
While on May 14, the state governor ordered demobilisation of a Mercedes
Benz mini bus belonging to the army.

Lucky Igbinedion has a shady record in America; He was arrested for rape. He
has never denied or confirmed whether he has a prison. From our
investigations, he has a criminal record. He secretly enters the US with
diplomatic passport. This issue is not new. His opponents raised it when he
contested for chairman of Oredo council

In specific terms, authoritarianism in Edo State is characterised by the
secret oath of loyalty by Edo State officials to the governor,
anti-intellectualism, primitive accumulation, executive sex orgy and
state-sponsored terrorism and assassinations.
Conclusion: The file of George Idah should be reopened and Lucky Igbinedion
the prime suspect should be prosecuted.

Igbinedion & the Italian Connection
I must commend the efforts of Mrs Eki Igbinedion for the courageous fight
against prostitution. Governor Igbinedion's conversion to moral crusade is
deplorable. This is a man who procures young girls, old enough to be his
daughters from Universities to entertain himself and visiting dignitaries.
His guesthouse in Benin is a sex haven for all sorts of immoral activities.
As the saying goes charity begins at home. Igbinedion has not tackled
prostitutes who hang around his father's house opposite plaza hotel in Benin

He has no plan for HIV/AIDS infected girls who have been deported from
Italy. By encouraging their deportation, he should be held accountable for
the high rate of HIV/AIDS in Benin City.

The hyprocrisy of Governor Igbinedion was exhibited by his family ties to
the business, one of the opponents of the new law is Michael Edo Ogie,
special assistant to Sherry Igbinedion, deputy chairman of the Igbinedion
Educational Centre, Benin, and wife of the governor's father.
In a widely publicised personal letter to the governor before the bill was
signed, Ogie described the government's action as sheer hypocrisy and
threatened to go public with his fight if the governor dare to sign the bill
into law.
Ogie also said that the law was a denial of the human rights of those
involved in the sex trade.

Conclusion: Lucky Igbinedion's sexual immorality has denigrated womanhood in
Edo state. He should be tested for HIV/AIDS. The various churches in Edo
Should pray that he changes and be more God fearing

The list of financial impropriety is endless:

Edo line gives Lucky Igbinedion N10 million on a monthly basis. To date over
N300 million

N1 billion raised at the capital market, with only 10 uncompleted building
to show for it.

$1,000.00.00 (about 140 million) at the exchange rate then, to make your
first eight-day overseas trip, few weeks after being sworn in as Governor of
Edo State in 1999.

N15, 939,656.66 for the clearing of 5 BMW motorcycles from the Apapa Wharf
as contained in the Memo of Mr. Patrick Eboigbodin and approved by you on
16th December 1999.

N20, 424,002 to attend the Sydney Olympic games as contained in the Memo of
Mr. Patrick Eboigbodin and approved by you on 21st August 2000.

N17, 000,000.00 on the burial of the Late Justice Ephraim Akpata - a Federal
Officer - as contained in the Memo of Mr. Patrick Eboigbodin and approved by
you on 7th February 2000.

N400, 000,000.00 on the ill-fated Ikpoba River project

N4 Billion to purchase vehicles within three years. With about 50 government
vehicles in private use

Overseas tour over 50 times, conservatively estimated to cost about
N2Billion in less than 3 years.

Purchase of property in London worth £3.5 million

Conclusion: He should be sent to the Anti corruption Commission to explain,
his looting of Edo treasury in an unprecedented scale. This man is unfit to
govern Edo State in the first place? Another four years will open Edo people
to redicule
The House of assembly should wake up to its responsibilities and look into
this matter

Governor Igbinedion's reckless of spending taxpayer money like a drunken
sailor if not checked will have profound influence on your party's electoral
success in Edo State. The people of Edo have collectively resolved to reject
Igbinedion and his financial recklessness
Resource control noise was toned down at the request of his political master
Chief Annenih.

The PDP slogans of "Power to the People" and "Justice, Unity and Progress
should be genuinely applied to the people of Edo.



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