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Whereas the current Democratic dispensation came into being on May

Whereas Nigerians received the current Democratic dispensation with
enthusiasm, great hopes and expectation;

Whereas the National Assembly has passed budgets for the country in
1999, 2000 and 2001 which were all assented to by Mr. President but
were not fully implemented by him, despite the fact that all budget
projections were met and even surpassed, especially the 2000 and 2001
estimates during the country earned the sum of $14.9 Billion and
$14.5 Billion respectively from the sale of crude oil;

Whereas the 2002 Budget was passed and assented to by Mr. President
in March and the Supreme Court judgment of 5th April, 2002 which
brought about the need to review the budget and bring it into
conformity with the judgment of the apex court, 5 months into the
year, the President flatly refused to bring to the National Assembly
the review and unilaterally set up an executive committee to perform
the constitutional function of the National Assembly which has
stalemated the implementation of the budget and thereby grounding the
economy and the activities of government;

Whereas the same Supreme Court judgment also brought about the need
to amend the revenue allocation formula for the federation, Mr.
President refused to propose the amendment to the National Assembly
and unilaterally amended the law by executive order, an action which
is unconstitutional and amounts to gross misconduct on the part of
the president;

Whereas, in spite of all the budgets passed by the National Assembly
in the past three years, Mr. President has incurred a lot of extra
budgetary expenditure i.e. Review of National Stadium contract,
provision of more money than budgeted for the National Identity Card
Programme, an award of $13 million to the Ghana Police Force,
purchase of 1500 vehicles to the Nigeria Police without budgetary
approvals, spending more money than approved for his rampant trips
abroad among others;

Whereas the exchange rate of the Naira to the Dollar has continued to
depreciate against the Dollar since the inception of this
administration because of absence of any economic blue print;
Whereas the inflation rate has continued to rise from 9 percent in
1999 to 19 percent in 2002, thereby afflicting unnecessary hardship
on the Nigerian masses whose income is continually dwindling by the

Whereas the current state of insecurity, lawlessness, communal
clashes and armed robbery in the country is unprecedented, Mr.
President has not shown any capacity to redress these ills that have
brought about a state of national insecurity;

Whereas the loss of lives brought about either directly or indirectly
by Mr. President's action and inactions is monumental e.g. loss of
lives in Odi, Zaki Biam, Plateau, Lagos, Taraba etc shows his
complete lack of capacity to manage the security concern of the

Whereas civil servants salaries at the Federal level are either owed
or at times paid months in arrears, foreign service personnel have
not been paid salaries for several months and are still owed, Police
and Immigration Service personnel are being paid 50 percent of their
salaries and allowances for several months. This has led to a
situation whereby the Nigeria Police went on strike for the first
time in the history of this country;

Whereas monies standing to the credit of the judiciary in the budget
is not paid as and when due in accordance with the provisions of the
constitution and has therefore led to the non- payment of salaries
and allowances for judicial officials;

Whereas Mr. President's personnel persistence on adopting his revenue
sharing formula has paralyzed the activities of all states and local
government and therefore afflicting untold hardship on both civil
servants and the general populace in those states. Monthly statutory
allocation is being deducted at source illegally to pay for debts in
spite of the Supreme Court decision against it;

Whereas the organised labour movement have been emasculated to the
point of arresting the President of the Nigeria Labour Congress and
charging him to court to prevent him from carrying out a legal and
legitimate labour rally to show their dissatisfaction at the way
labour is being treated by Mr. President.

Whereas for the first time in the history of this country, the NNPC
is being run as a private business enterprises of Mr. President,
which has brought about the cloudy nature of what the NNPC is earning
from the sale of the crude oil;

Whereas the CBN is being used as an Institution for committing all
sort of fraud and illegalities by Mr. President.

Now this House do resolve as follows:

That by reason of the monumental inadequacies, persistent disrespect
for the rule of law and the obvious corruption being perpetrated in
the presidency which exposes Mr. President's inability to steer the
ship of state as its President, Mr. President, Chief Olusegun
Obasanjo is hereby advised to resign honourably as President and
Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria within two
weeks from the date of this motion of face impeachment.




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