Historical Speeches

President Shehu Shagari's Inaugural address to Nigerians

FELLOW Nigerians. We have witnessed today the birth of the Second
Republic of Nigeria. With the swearing-in-ceremony this morning, I
have formally assumed office as your first executive president.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your patience,
and support throughout the period of transition.
The Second Republic has come after almost 14 years of military rule
in the course of which we went through a civil war. Today, our new
constitution comes into effect; a constitution carefully drawn up by
ourselves for ourselves.
We are assuming office as a result of a free, democratic and peaceful
election. We must be proud of this, and we must be grateful to God
and to all those who have worked so hard to make it possible.
This is an occasion, which calls for sober reflection on the problems
of the First Republic in order to appreciate the magnitude of the
tasks ahead.
The problems of creating a national government, a viable economic
base and the integration of the various ethnic groups in Nigeria in
fairness and without acrimony, overwhelmed the First Republic. These
problems are still with us. And, it is our determination to do our
utmost to contribute to their solution.
... On one nation, one destiny
This Second Republic is a great challenge and a new opportunity for
all of us. This administration is determined that the slogan of "One
Nation, One Destiny" shall be translated into reality. We are not so
naive as to think that nationalism is a natural phenomenon, which
comes about automatically, as we grow.
It has not been so in any part of the world. National integration
requires hard work. There is need for a dedicated leadership and
citizenry imbued with faith to cultivate a wide-spread national
feeling for "One Nigeria."
I am convinced that these goals are attainable because we are at this
time operating in more auspicious circumstances. Surely, we have
learnt great lessons from the past and we have no need to permit
divisive factors to continue to undermine our national well-being.
I urge all Nigerians to join me in working with resolution for the
attainment of these goals. The first thing is for all those who have
participated in the recent elections to work together whether they
won or lost.
Now that the elections are over, we must act as good sportsmen, set
aside differences and harness our energies to the task of nation
I would like to enjoin all our state governors to bear in mind that
regardless of their party affiliations, the interest of the nation is
supreme. The state which each of them governs is simply a part of
Nigeria and a part cannot indeed be greater than a whole.
I congratulate them in their new position and sincerely urge them as
well as every other citizen of this great country to join hands with
me in facing the great task ahead.
For my part, I assure you all that the Federal Government will give
equal treatment to each state of the Federation regardless of the
party in power in that state.
... On the economy
Fellow citizens, great challenges and opportunities are before us.
While noticeable achievements have been made, the problems of our
economy have become even more complicated. There has been a steep
rise in the rate of inflation in Nigeria as is the case all over the
world. Nevertheless we are dedicated to building a viable economy by
fostering broad mass participation and the utilization of local
resources. This way we shall enhance our economic independence.
Our key domestic programmes are in the sectors of Agriculture,
Housing, Education, Health, Industry and the new Federal capital. Our
first great challenge is agriculture.
Throughout the election campaigns, our party, the National Party of
Nigeria made strong commitments to the people of this country to
rapidly develop and improve agriculture. For centuries, generations
of Nigerian farmers have struggled with technologies invented by our
ancestors to meet the demands of a long gone age and to wrest a
living from a weary and exhausted soil. I personally spoke many times
on our policy for a Green Revolution.
... On food production
There is need to provide adequate food for every family. There is
need to stop the current drain of foreign exchange on the importation
of foodstuff. We are determined to transform Nigeria agriculture to
the point where Nigeria will be self-sufficient in food production
and ensure that the money is more effectively utilized.
We shall devote more manpower and technological resources to increase
our agricultural productivity and expand our agro-based industries.÷

We shall immediately map out strategies to encourage Nigerians to
engage in fruitful agricultural activities.
In addition, we shall encourage joint ventures with foreign partners
to establish farming as commercial and profitable enterprises to
produce food as well as raw materials. New emphasis will be placed on
modern methods of food storage, distribution and processing.
... On housing
Because of the importance we attach to Housing, we shall establish a
ministry of Housing and Environment. Good shelter is recognised by
our government as the right of every Nigerian. There is no doubt that
to meet acceptable human standards, Nigeria will require millions of
additional housing units in the urban, as well as in the rural areas.
Our current resources and industrial base can not immediately produce
enough housing units to meet our current demand.÷
However, we will vigorously attack the problem of housing. In the
urban areas we will immediately create new layouts to be serviced by
adequate drainage systems, roads and other infrastructure.
Through an improved financing system urban dwellers will have more
credit to build their own houses. In rural areas and small towns, the
establishment of Rural Housing Co-operatives will be encouraged.
Financial institutions will be encouraged to make loans available to
needy low-income families who wish to build or rebuild their own
A primary objective is to create the right atmosphere for a rapid
increase in home ownership. We strongly believe that home ownership
will lead to family pride and healthy surroundings in every Nigerian
community. Since the cost of building a house is directly related to
the cost of building materials, our Government will encourage the
local production of building materials.
Continuous research will be undertaken and factories will be
established for the local manufacture of durable and low-cost
building materials. Education is our next priority programme.
Fellow citizens know that the elections are over and October 1 is
here, the realities of the problem of education stare us boldly in
the face. This government accepts the responsibility for free
education at all levels as has been provided for in the Constitution.

... On education
The main problem, however is how to make education accessible to all
even the current financial constraints and inadequacy of teachers and
educational facilities.
We need more schools, more teachers, more laboratories, more books
more desks more playing fields and numerous other supplies and
equipment all of which are involved with the increase in enrolment.
These cannot be found overnight. My administration is irrevocably
committed to making education a priority.
We shall immediately expand education infrastructure in order to cope
with the demand at all levels of our educational system. We also plan
to make education more qualitative and functional with a sound moral
To this end, we shall improve the quality of teachers and conditions
of service in order to attract them in the right number and quality.
We shall encourage individuals and Voluntary Agencies to open schools
as long as they meet government guidelines.
The need for technical manpower and the rapid development of
technology, demand that we maximise the use of all technical and
vocational institutions in the country and establish many more. In
this connection, we shall establish a ministry of Science and
Technology, which shall develop policies to be reflected throughout
our educational system.
I like to emphasize that our overall policy seeks to provide
education that will equip all recipients with the necessary attitude,
knowledge and skill to contribute to national development.
Directly related to these priority programmes both at home and abroad
is the need to create a more suitable economic environment. There is
need to transform our under-developed country into a modern
industrialized society.
To achieve this objective requires the energy of all of us. Our
government is determined to release the creative energies of
enterprising Nigerians and encourage them to help develop the economy
for the good of all.
I particularly call on the Labour Movement to rise up to the
challenges of our time. I am aware of the constraints under which
Nigerian workers have had to live in the immediate past. The wage
freeze in an era of biting inflation has had to be maintained in view
of the resource constraints of our developing economy; but there are
certainly limits beyond which no democratic government will wish to
demand sacrifices from workers.
The wage freeze issue, the question of car loans, the question of
labour independence and the restoration of the free collective
bargaining rank as priorities in the labour policy of my government.
Arrangements are on hand for a dialogue between government and the
leaders of organised labour: issues will be reviewed.
Thereafter, I will take necessary action to effect remedies in the
interests of the nation, and of the nation's workers. This
administration stands committed to ameliorate the conditions of
Nigerian workers through appropriate measures including consultation
and legislation. However, we must all be determined to see that
higher wages and better conditions of service are matched by higher
productivity in the interest of national development.
As we develop our economy we shall be in a better position to provide
the needed services and amenities for all our citizens. We shall then
be better equipped to improve our health and other social services
programmes for the nation.
In the area of foreign policy, as your president, I will continue to
advance and defend the cause of our great country before the world
community of nations. It is our national wills that Africa shall
remain the cornerstone of our foreign policy. Also it is our national
will that Africa shall be free, free of racial bigotry, free of
oppression, and free from the vestiges of colonialism.
My government is determined to see the cause of justice and human
decency prevail in Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. We shall
continue to support all forces of progress and oppose all forces of
oppression in Africa and elsewhere.
I hereby re-affirm our faith and support for the charter of the
United Nations and the universal declaration of human rights, the
charter of the Organisation of African Unity, the Economic Community
of West African States, and the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting
Our watchword shall always be the advancement of mankind and the
enhancement of the cause of peace, prosperity and progress through
mutual respect and co-operation between nations.
I wish to take this opportunity to pay tribute to members of our
Armed Forces and to our immediate predecessors in office. They have
successfully guided the destiny of our nation through trying
conditions. Their discipline, devotion to duty and loyalty to the
country have been tested and proved beyond doubt.
I trust they will keep it up. You all remember when the Government of
General Murtala Mohammed and General Obasanjo came to power, it gave
a pledge to return this nation to civil rule on October 1, 1979. They
have kept their word as true men of honour and today the country has
been duly handed over to a democratically elected Government. History
will indelibly record this nation's gratitude to their exemplary
leadership, dedication, statesmanship and courage.
I want to conclude this address by greeting all Nigerians of all
walks of life on this historic day. I salute our law enforcement
agencies including the Police and all those working in the public and
private sectors. I salute all our traditional rulers, fathers of our
communities and custodians of our cultural heritage. I also salute
our religious leaders, custodians of faith and morals.
My fellow citizens, the task ahead is enormous and it is a task for
all of us. Our Government is committed to building a united, stable
and prosperous nation, I need your contribution, co-operation and
support. Nigeria can and must become a great and modern nation. Let
us with true conscience and determination join hands and re-dedicates
ourselves to the service of this great country so that it will be a
place we can and shall all be proud of. We cannot afford to fail in
this task and by the grace of God we shall succeed.
May God bless our country and may God bless you all.
Thank you and good night.



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