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Notice of Impeachment To DSP Alamieyeseigha, Governor of Bayelsa State

We the undersigned Honourable Members of the Bayelsa State House of Assembly hereby give you NOTICE that His Excellency CHIEF D. S. P. ALAMIEYESEIGHA (J.P) is guilty of GROSS MISCONDUCT in the performance of the functions of his office, which renders him liable to be IMPEACHED from office. PARTICULARS of the various acts constituting the GROSS MISCONDUCT are as follows:

• Involvement in money laundering occasioning his arrest and investigation by officers of the Metropolitan Police, London culminating in his current trial on charges of money laundering in the United Kingdom with prospects of being convicted and sentenced to prison in the United Kingdom. This constitutes an unacceptable embarrassment to the people of Bayelsa State.

• Freedom of movement restricted to his home in the United Kingdom far removed from his Constituency, Baye1sa State of Nigeria with the result that he is incapable of discharging his constitutional functions as Governor of Bayelsa State thus necessitating the appointment of his Deputy as Acting Governor by the State House of Assembly.

•Under investigation for grave and damaging allegations of fraudulent and corrupt self-enrichment by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and other appropriate security agencies in Nigeria.

•Maintaining foreign bank accounts while in office in the following banks viz:
contrary to the clear provisions of Paragraph 3 of the Fifth Schedule (Part 1) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 the provisions of which he swore on oath to uphold.
•Corrupt enrichment of his wife and children namely: MR. ENETONBRA ALAMIEYESEIGHA, MR. SELEAKE ALAM1EYESEIGHA, and MISS EMBELEAKPO ALAMIEYESEIGHA as disclosed by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission in its report on investigations into allegations of criminal diversion of public funds by CHIEF D. S. P. ALAMIEYESEIGHA, Governor of Bayelsa State.
•Failing, refusing and/or neglecting to formally notify the Government of Bayelsa State particularly the Bayelsa State House of Assembly of his arrest, detention, arraignment and trial in court in London for the offence of money laundering but instead deceptively wrote to the Bayelsa State House of Assembly a letter obviously back-dated to the 1st day of September, 2005 requesting to be away for 120 days to enable him recuperate from a surgery he underwent in Germany, thus deliberately and mischievously attempting to keep away from the Government and people of Bayelsa State the fact of his arrest, detention and trial in London of money-laundering charges a fact that is now household knowledge all over the world.
•Criminal diversion and misappropriation of public funds to facilitate his acquisition of
(a) One billion Naira shares in Bond Bank PLc by private placement. (b) Purchase of Chelsea Hotel, Abuja for the sum of Two billion naira (c) Acquisition of £ 1 0 Million worth of properties in London.
•Making false statement in his Declaration of Assets and Liabilities as the Governor of Bayelsa State to the Code of Conduct Bureau in breach of the provisions of paragraph 11 (2) of the Fifth Schedule (part I) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999. Enclosed herewith and marked as ANNEXURE BYHA 1 is a copy of the report and or findings of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) on investigations into allegations of criminal diversion and misappropriation of public funds against CHIEF D. S. P. ALAMIEYESEIGHA (J.P) Governor of Bayelsa State. We hereby adopt the findings therein as particulars of the acts of Gross Misconduct we have alleged in the NOTICE OF IMPEACHMENT.

We trust that you will take appropriate action on this matter in accordance with the provisions of Section 188 (2) (b) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999.



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